The theory is propogated by researcher Walter Semkiv, who states (among other things) that Van Jones shared with Gandhi, similar bone and face structures. Walter Semkiv also says Van Jones had the same affinity towards Civil Rights movements than Gandhi had.
And just as I give the article an "I-don't believe-you" eye and decide to let it slide by, I come across this second article on Michael Jackson possibly being reborn female in future. This article, on the 28th June 2009, which Deccan Chronicle(again) prints, can be read "here".
This article, written by... *rubs eyes*...the same Walter Semkiv guy, talks about Michael Jackson being earlier born as a French entertainer and then as a young soldier who lost his life at a battle. Walter Semkiv also goes on to say (among other things), that with Soldier Jackson's young death in battle, he had lost a chance at boyhood.
This, my friends, explained Pop-king Jackson's craving of boyhood. Find no errors in that sentence. And speak no evil of the dead, mind you.
But this Walter Semkiv guy is alive. (And so is Deccan Chronicle). So it isn't nearly as bad to wonder what it is that these guys are cooking up. And why is it that"our correspondent" is writing so many things about him?
But before Walter Semkiv can wonder why his article causes me to furrow my eyebrows in deep concentration, he must look at my coat, long hat and pipe. He must wonder who it is I could have been in a fictitious previous life.
Isn't it elementary, dear Walter?